Ellen White
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Ellen White Answers
Ellen White
Answering the questions and critics on Ellen G. White
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Updates: Ellen White Under Fire

Update 2 (November 12, 2010):

Because of sales over the summer, Ellen White Under Fire is now in its second printing and the errors below have been corrected. A sequel is in progress and will be out in approximately two years: Ellen White Under Fire, Part 2: Answering Specific Charges (Pacific Press). I will say more about this book later. JL

Update 1 (June 15, 2010):

Errata (a list of errors and their corrections):

As with many publications, a few minor errors and typos slipped into my book, Ellen White Under Fire. These will be corrected in future printings. For now, I will correct two minor mistakes in the text that impact meaning and one endnote error to avoid confusion

1.  Page 71, left column, second paragraph, which reads: “Daniells would reach the peak of his apologia for Ellen White’s prophetic ministry in his classic The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, completed the day before his death in 1935.” The highlighted “the day” should be “shortly.” Daniells actually finished this book several weeks before he died.

2.  Page 231, right column, bottom paragraph, which reads: “1843from youngEllen’s description of her conversion experience:” The highlighted “young” should be eliminated. As pointed out in the endnote to the quotation, this was written years later by the adult Ellen describing her conversion experience.

3.  Page 315, endnote 69: the “Ibid,” should be “Douglass,”.

While seemingly minor, these corrections are important to many readers, including the author. Fortunately, there is only a small handful of misspelled words and punctuation errata (that I am aware of), which I will not mention. Thanks for reading the book. Hope it is helpful to you. Watch this page for future updates.

Jud Lake