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Archived Reflections

Reflection #5: “Working on a Book”

March 19, 2009

During my reduced teaching load last fall I was able to write and post numerous articles on this website as well as work on a book to be relased in 2010 with Pacific Press, Ellen White Under Fire. This book has been my focus on top of a full teaching load during the winter months and will be my main focus from now till the end of the summer. I recently took a break from the book and addressed The Clear Word charges, something I have been wanting to do for several years and was motivated by the recent edition of Dale Ratzlaff’s Proclamation! (January/February 2009), which is devoted to criticizing the paraphrase. One article is posted and another is forthcoming. Then I am back to the book and will not let myself get distracted anymore! Thus, don’t expect to see many new articles posted on this website for awhile. Once the book is done, I’ll be back. Until then, there is enough material on this website to keep one busy.

Jud Lake

Reflection #4: “Finally, an update”

June 23, 2008

The School of Religion at Southern at Adventist University has given me a reduced teaching load this coming Fall for the express purpose of preparing and posting material on this website. So much to say and now more time to say it! As such, during July and August there will be intermittent posting of new material (“intermittent” because I will be teaching two summer intensives) but a steady stream of articles during the Fall. Keep checking the “What’s New” section.

I am more convicted than ever that Ellen White’s prophetic ministry can withstand the greatest scrutiny–when, of course, it is conducted in a fair and objective way.

More in the next “Reflection.”

Jud Lake

Reflection #3: “New stuff over the Summer”

August 14, 2007

Summer is almost over for me but I have kept my promises in the last “Reflections”  and added new material to <ellenwhiteanswers.org>. Unfortunately, producing material for this website was only part of a busy summer. As I reflect on the coming school year, it will be exceptionally busy due to two writing projects on top of my teaching load. Nevertheless, since this website is an ongoing project that will take several years to get where it needs to be, I will continue adding articles and links here and there. Keep checking at the “What’s New” section at “Home” on this site.

One other reflection: Over the last six months, I have received some nasty, meanspirited emails from those critical of Ellen White that confirmed some things I said in my 2005 Ellen White Summit presentation. But I have also received emails from individuals critical of Ellen White who wanted to be understood and sincerely correct me. I found those emails to be helpful and appreciated the dialogue with these individuals. I do understand better, acknowledge their sincerity and conviction, and wish them well in their walk with God.  My desire is simply to set forth the historical facts about Ellen White for all fairminded people to read and, if they wish, compare my website with the anti-Ellen White websites. Then all can prayerfully decide for themselves.

Reflection #2: “New articles are forthcoming”

May 17, 2007

Finally, a busy semester is over and I can devote time to building this website. Although not much has been added to the site during the last couple of months, I have been able to do research in several areas, one of them being the events in Ellen White’s life during the year 1845. Critics tend to focus on allegations that she predicted the end of the world in July and September of 1845. The statements of Lucinda Burdick, a contemporary of Ellen White, are often appealed to in this regard. As such, I will post a major article addressing Mrs. Burdick’s statements later this summer. But first I must respond to Dale Ratzlaff’s questions submitted to me in Proclamation! (November-December 2006).

Keep checking. New articles are forthcoming.

Reflection #1: “So much to say, so little time”

February 14, 2007

This semester of teaching finds me extremely busy and unable to write anything substantial for ellenwhiteanswers.org (I have a full teaching load with a new class, which takes huge amounts of preparation).  When my wife hears me complain about a lack of time for serious writing, she reminds me that I will have two months of this coming summer free from teaching responsibilities, which will be devoted exclusively to this website.

In the meantime, I am developing this site with links and posting documents written by others. I still plan to respond to Dale Ratzlaff’s fourteen questions, among other things.

So stay tuned. You will see material added to this site over the next several months. But the most substantial development will take place this coming summer.